At Squires Kitchen we are dedicated to making our website as accessible as possible for everyone, including those with visual impairments and other disabilities. It is our goal to make a website that does not discriminate against the disabled and is accessible across as many different devices as possible. If you feel that we are not meeting our objectives on accessibility or you have spotted a mistake, or you would like to report an error or issue on our website, please get in contact with us via the feedback form or any other contact method available.
All pages on this site are tested to meet the criteria of WCAG-A, WCAG-AA and WCAG-AAA W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
Where possible we try to meet the requirements of all standards used and as such test our site with several validation tools to ensure that standards have been applied correctly.
Many W3C guidelines are intentionally vague and cannot be tested automatically. In these cases, compliance is a judgement call made by our developers and as such we cannot guarantee that all of these standards are correctly enforced.
This website uses JavaScript to enhance the experience and the capabilities of the site; if you have JavaScript disabled or are using a browser that does not support JavaScript you may have trouble using many of the features of the site. You can find instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser here.
We maintain our website to support the the latest browsers and recommend that users upgrade their browser regularly for security updates and enhancements.
Regrettably we are unable to support Internet Explorer 6 as it would compromise our commitment to adhere to accessibility guidelines, and our commitment to keep our customers secure when using our website. If you are a user of Internet Explorer 6 we recommend visiting for information on upgrading to a modern browser that supports web standards and has improved security features.